How Do We Live With Nothing To Hide?

How Do We Live With Nothing To Hide?

Shane Kennard

8  “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Matthew 5:8

The Well Off have nothing to hide.

Why We Hide

We hide because we know we have something to hide.

The cycle often looks something like this…

Do something “hide worthy.”
Know you need someone to be open with.
The angst of the action wears off.
The temptation rises again.
Realize again you need someone to be open with before you do it again.
Do it again.

Most leaders do not plan to hide their “hide worthy” actions. They just do not want to be seen as someone who does not have it all together. Or we are afraid of what others will think. Or we know we will lose our position.

Then, after the cycle repeats itself over and over again, we find ourselves in a web of walls, hiding and lies.

A Better Way

What if it is possible to not have something you need to hide?

Not because you never do something “hide worthy.” But because another Force is working besides you forcing your sin into the background.

The pure in heart are The Well Off.

They’re not The Well Off because they never sin. But because they handle their sin a completely different way. The pure in heart are purified by fire…or pruned by God. They allow God to cut off anything that does not align with his image.

Not so they can hide. But so they can be sincere in who they are. The “hide worthy” things they do are purified by God. Because they’re purified by God, they live in the world with nothing to hide.

You do not need to air your dirty laundry for all to see. When you speak to the masses, being sincere with nothing to hide looks different than when you speak with the handful of friends who know everything.

The vital thing is that you have someone who knows everything while the masses realize you have nothing to hide.

Because the pure in heart also hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness, they want God to cut off anything that does not look like him…

Even if it hurts.

So that they can live a sincere life without having to hide their actions. And so that they are able to see the one thing they can see only with a pure heart…

God himself.

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