How Do You Show Who You Love?

Shane Kennard

How Do You Show Who You Love?

34 “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. 35By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:34-35

How you show up with Presence shows who you actually Love.

At the Last Supper, Jesus took off his robe, put on the robe of the lowest servant and washed the disciples’ feet.

The disciples argued about who would be the greatest.
Jesus showed them he was.

Jesus was the Top Leader who ever led. And yet, he did the lowest job.

If we show up throwing our titles around, we show we Love ourself and our titles.

If we show up being the lowest despite our title, we show we Love others more than we Love ourself.

We’re afraid if we show our vulnerable side, or if we serve those we lead, or we step down and do the lowly job, the people we lead will respect us less.

However, the opposite is true.

This is respect is won. Not in being tough and mighty. Respect is won by rolling up our sleeves and getting in the trenches with those we lead. Not just getting in the trenches, but serving those in the trenches while they fight on the front lines.

As someone who follows Jesus, this proves you follow Jesus.

Peter soon wanted to show his bravado and say he would go to the death for Jesus. Jesus told Peter he would deny ever knowing Jesus before the sun would rise.

Peter thought proof was in his bravado.

Bravado is not proof you Follow Jesus. Putting aside titles and power and authority to serve those who you Lead is the only proof you need.

Showing up to prove your Love with Presence shows you Love Jesus and those you lead.

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