Use What You Have to Find Victory

Shane Kennard

Use What You Have to Find Victory

From Judges 7:15-25.

Sometimes the victory comes through what we have right now.

After Gideon heard the scared whispers of the Midian army, Gideon acted in incredible clarity.

Notice what didn’t happen in the story…

“God told Gideon to…”
Some supernatural miracle.
God providing something Gideon didn’t already have.

Instead, Gideon…

Separated his men.
Gave them jars, torches and trumpets.
And told them to smash the jars and blow the trumpets on his signal.

That’s it. That’s how you have 300 men defeat 10’s of thousands!

We hyper-spiritualize the Bible. God does amazing feats. Parts the Red Sea. Raises from the dead.

And yet a lot of times, we see very normal circumstances leading to the God-given victory.

In my personal life, I don’t see the supernatural miraculous. So I don’t look for what God can do with what I have right now. Therefore I think God isn’t working. And yet, he could want to work. I just haven’t used what he gives me.

Gideon’s strategy was brilliant really. The Midian army were scared. Gideon had high ground, with coverage, at night. Midian was in a valley. The simultaneous crash, fire, trumpet blast would reverberate and bring a scared army into a terrified army!

We use the “I don’t see the supernatural” as a way to not act. I’ve done it. I struggle with it right now.

God has given you everything you need for your next victory. You just need his clarity to use it.

This is the day Gideon turned into a Mighty Warrior. He goes on to do some very Mighty Warrior things. Far cry from the guy in the wine vat too scared to thresh grain out in the open. God took him on a journey. A journey God can take you on. But at every step, you must take the step to see how God will turn you into a Mighty Warrior.

Seek God. Hear & Follow him alone. Keep taking the next steps he shows. Wait for him to give you what you need, when you need it and right where you need it.

Stop looking for what you don’t have, and use what he’s given to you with clarity.