What Do You Crave Deeply For?

What Do You Crave Deeply For?

Shane Kennard

6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

Matthew 5:6

Deep Craving

Our soul craves.

It hungers and thirsts. And our soul has a never ending hunger and thirst.

God intended our soul to have this type of deep craving.


Because he formed our soul. God blew the breath of Eternal Life into our soul. The soul will never be full except to be full with God’s image and righteousness.

However, this doesn’t stop us from trying to fill our soul with the created order…


Anything a part of creation will never fully satisfy our soul. Sure, it’ll give us satisfaction for a while. But then the morning after happens. Then we cry out, “I can’t get no satisfaction.”

Finding Satisfaction

The Well Off inside God’s Kingdom deeply craves the righteousness of Jesus to fill their soul.

They know this is the only thing that will satisfy their soul for all of eternity. However, we do get distracted. We will have temporary spiritual amnesia and think the created order will satisfy us.

And yet, The Well Off in God’s Kingdom always re-centers their craving on Jesus’ righteousness.

Those outside God’s Kingdom will see those who hunger & thirst for Jesus’ righteousness as the “goody two shoes” or the religious leaders will see them as the ones who don’t follow the right rules.

But, when the rubber meets the road, The Well Off in God’s Kingdom are seen as those who stand tall when everything crumbles. They don’t follow every whim around them. Which earns respect, even from those who do follow every whim.

Don’t look to God’s created order to satisfy your soul. Even religious activity will not fill us with God’s righteousness.

Deeply crave only for the righteousness of Jesus that alone will fill our soul.

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